For Providers
Training and Education OpportunitiesGet licensed without a hassle, improve your practice, grow as a provider, and improve your rating as a child care professional
Easily Improve Your Child Care Practice and Increase Your Service Quality
If you’re looking for help with professional development or licensing, we can help. You may not have time to do all the research to figure out the best trainings to improve your practices. Instead, let us help you create a personalized plan to improve your business so you can get more clients and spend more time serving those you have.
Some of the resources we can help you find:
Local trainings
Statewide trainings
College courses or programs
Financial aid

Find Local Trainings In Your Area

Get Compliant By Taking Your Safety Set Trainings
To be a provider in our state, the honest truth is that you’ll have to jump through a few hoops. All Oregon providers have to complete an Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety course before they practice. Licensed Providers, Center Staff and Regulated Subsidy Providers must also complete Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect.

Get Your Food Handlers License Online

Find and Register For Statewide Child Care Trainings

Improve Your Practice Through Oregon Registry Online

Identify The Best College Education Options
Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the options for college education in the field of child care? Not sure which path to take? We’d love to help you start a college certificate or degree plan in Early Care and Education and reduce your overwhelm while we do.
Connect With K-12 Educators in Shared Professional Development
The Eastern Oregon REN (Regional Educator Network) provides Eastern Oregon educators with equitable access to sustained, quality professional learning in order to: recruit and retain high-quality educators, and develop the capacity of regional educators to improve student learning. The REN is supported by a governing body from Lake, Harney, Grant, Malheur, and Wallowa counties that consists of K12 educators and administrators, as well as representatives from Early Learning.
Find Custom Trainings Not Listed Here
Do you need specific trainings that you are not finding? Just get in touch! We’ll help you find and register for exactly what you need.
Visit Our Event Calender
Training and Licensing-Related Events for Child Care ProvidersFind upcoming events on our community calendar and know what events are currently available for you to enroll in.