Interested in preschool for your child?



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M-F: 8am – 4pm (Mountain)
Weekends: Closed


(541) 230-7667

Early Childhood Services

Help your child succeed through free or low-cost parenting resources and programs.

If there’s one thing we know, it’s that every parent wants their child to succeed. We at the Learning Hub believe that no matter how resourced you feel like you are, there is always room for training, education, and resources to better set your child up for long-term success.

Enroll In High-Quality Preschools In Eastern Oregon

You might be wondering, “Is preschool really that important? What elements make up a high-quality preschool? What quality preschools exist in my area? And once I find the right one for my child, do I qualify for financial aid?” The Eastern Oregon Early Learning Hub will help you answer these questions and more so that you can identify and enroll in the right preschool for your child and family.

Find High Quality Child Care Near You

Leaving your child with a child care provider is like asking someone to keep your life savings in their home. Through EO Learning Hub, you can identify state-licensed and high-quality child care providers who will take your child and treat them like the precious children that they are. Don’t settle for less than a provider you know that you can trust.

Improve Stability In Your Home Through A Relief Nursery

Relief nurseries are data-backed intervention programs that are proven to help families to increase outcomes for their kids. Through relief nurseries, families can increase home stability, reduce family conflict, and learn effective parenting techniques in the comfort of their own home.


Local Partnerships

Help your child succeed through our free parenting groups and programs.

If there’s one thing we know, it’s that what every parent wants is for their child to succeed. We at the Learning Hub believe that no matter how resourced you feel like you are, there is always room for training, education, and resources to better set your child up for long-term success.


Get Your Child Ready For Kindergarten With Training Wheels Packets

There are certain things that a child must know to be ready for transition into kindergarten. The Training Wheels packets give you context for this transition and practices that you can do with your child to make sure when they put their backpack on they’ve got what they need inside of it, both practically and developmentally.

Access Training Wheels Packets

Increase Your Child's Social Skills and Literacy Through StoryTime Events

What if there were a way that you could socialize your child, test their kindergarten readiness, and improve their literacy skills as well? The StoryTime events are digital and in-person events where child book authors read while parents and kids connect with peers, get out and enjoy their community, and learn to love to read.

Find The Next StoryTime Event Near You

Download Past StoryTime Materials

Share Your Parenting Experience At Our Parent Cafes

Parents need safe spaces to share and get help while raising their own kids. Our Parent Cafes are specifically created as a relaxed, safe place for dialogue about subjects that are rarely talked about. These parent-lead events are provided in English and Spanish and guided by a certified early learning facilitator.

Learn More About Parent Cafes

Find an Upcoming Parent Cafe In Your Area

Parenting Education Classes

When you take a cooking class, that doesn’t mean you’re bad at making meals. And yet there’s this assumption that only people who are “bad parents” take classes about parenting! Our parent education classes are designed for parents of all skill levels to help you be a more-skilled parent no matter how effective you already are.

Hint: You’re probably already a pretty awesome parent now!

Find Upcoming Parenting Classes

Cradle to Career Partnerships

Resources are the groundwork for kids’ success. A Cradle to Career partnership is a monthly meeting of professionals concerned with every child reaching their potential, improving outcomes and not only getting children ready for school, but getting schools ready for kids.

When you join a C2C Partnership, you’ll help improve community resources and tailor them especially for kids and families in your community.

Learn More About Cradle to Career Partnerships

Child-Related Events for Every Type of Parent

Find upcoming events on our community calendar and know what events are currently available for you to enroll in.

Visit Our Calendar